
大卯能源(辽宁大卯新能源供热设备制造有限公司)始终坚持走节能减排, 能源利用,绿色发展之路,大力发展以谷电采暖为特征的清洁能源和新能源 业务,重点发展谷电蓄热电采暖业务,力求做到绿色供暖,环保小小的你, 温暖大大的家。

Mao energy, in the start-up of the, related to the core of the project and the technology by the national Ministry of science and technology 963 plan in the field of resource and environment technology subject group, Xue Ming Zhang Professor know development, and by five from in different colleges and universities graduate and doctoral tutor with R & D and the earliest formed the rudiment of Mao energy, on the establishment and development of the company laid the foundation. Their members are now big energy 211.985 colleges and overseas graduates.